Dr Ben Gurney-Smith
Dr Ben Gurney Smith: Chartered Consultant Clinical Psychologist assesses, treats and consults to Clover Childcare Services.

Bachelor of Science in Psychology (2.1) University of College, London
Doctorate in Clinical Psychology (awarded) BPS/OU
Trainings/therapy qualifications (selected):
Accredited in Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy 2016 Membership Number 114
Consultant and Practitioner in Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy
Ben has presented nationally and internationally on practice and research concerning Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy.
Professional Membership:
2008-present: Registered with HCPC as Clinical Psychologist: Membership no: PYL05452
Professional affiliations:
DDP Institute (DDPI) board member and Research Coordinator for DDPI (see Ben Gurney-Smith.)
Honorary Senior Lecturer, University of Glasgow (see University of Glasgow Staff List).
Publications (selected and available on request):
Ben has published research, chapters and books on several areas of psychological practice including: mindfulness, cognitive behavioural therapy, needs assessment in secure settings, parenting stress, assessing qualities in prospective foster and adoptive parents, DDP and the application of DDP principles to the practice of mental health.
Ben has worked with looked after and adopted children and their families since 1997. He has worked in a number of settings including residential, secure facilities, local authority, CAMHS and third sector.
He established the ATTACH team in Oxford. This is a recognised service of good practice by the British Psychological Society which works with looked after and adopted children.
Currently he is the Clinical Lead at Adoptionplus Adoption Agency, Milton Keynes (see http://www.adoptionplus.co.uk/) which is an Outstanding Provider and is a partner of Proximity Partnership, an Independent Clinical Psychology Practice.